Rend Stephan
Speaker & Author on the End of Complexity®
25-year professional career as Growth Strategist, Business Builder and more recently Speaker and Author. From launching and successfully growing a distribution business, to 20 years in consulting around the world, primarily at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), working together with leading executives and business owners in corporate, government, family business and private equity, on growth and performance challenges. There, I have witnessed first-hand how complexity has become the key driver of limited growth and weak performance; and why many complexity management and other simplification schemes do not work and rapidly hit the wall. Only to conclude that it is too complex to manage complexity® - you need to end it now! This means a very strong bias for clean-sheet approaches, unbundling and uncluttering every step of the way, in order to focus only on what matters, thus building the strongest foundation for Competitive Growth and True Performance®. Please check my website for blog articles, subscribe for other insights and news, and stay tuned for my upcoming book THE END OF COMPLEXITY®. My favorite words to live by are: “Constant motion is not forward movement"; and, “Do the right thing and things will turn out right”.
- Conférence : 6500 €
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Ses conférences
the End of Complexity
After 20 years of consulting across the world – BCG Sydney, Chicago, Dubai – I have recently started running seminars for senior-executives… with a focus on the End of Complexity®. Complex Insight (strategies), Intent (organizations) and Impact (execution) have overwhelmed decision-making circles. The classical approaches focusing on complexity management did not succeed, leading to more complexity, and a vicious circle of organizational under-performance, personal and group stress. I take a radically different perspective. You see, it is too complex to manage complexity® - you need to end it, now! The seminars on Insight (strategy), Intent (organization), Impact (execution) are designed to help senior decision-makers fight back this complexity disease. We’re talking about 2 hour conferences, 1-2 days seminars, etc. More on for a clear description of the End of Complexity, blog articles, suggested conference / speaking topics, subscription to newsletter, etc...