Charlotte Courtois

Conférencière en diversité culturelle, podcasteuse et fondatrice d'ONG


Charlotte Courtois est fondatrice d'une ONG, conférencière, podcasteuse et experte en diversité culturelle. Après des études en commerce international et de recherche en sociologie-anthropologie, Charlotte organise en 2009-2010 des groupes de travail sur la gestion de la diversité dans l'entreprise pour le compte d'une association parisienne. En 2011, elle crée l'ONG Konstelacio, accréditée par l'UNESCO, afin de sensibiliser les plus jeunes au dialogue interculturel. Depuis, elle mène des projets dans une quinzaine de pays avec des équipes multiculturelles et experts de tous domaines (historiens, chefs, artistes, institutions internationales...). Elle est également membre du comité éditorial de la publication “Heritage Alive” de l’UNESCO. En parallèle, elle partage ce qu'elle apprend sur le terrain et dans le cadre de ses recherches par le biais de conférences interactives et dynamiques. Son crédo : aborder la diversité sous un angle résolument positif et faire en sorte que chacun reparte avec une bonne dose d'inspiration et l'envie de faire bouger les choses


  • Conference : 5000 €


Rennes / France / International


French, English

Les thèmes de cette conférencière

His/Her talks

Conference #1

Cultural diversity is a strength if... (and only if !)

How many testimonies have we heard from business leaders sharing the multiple benefits of diversity? Innovation, cohesion, creativity, sense of belonging... The list is long. However, cultural diversity can also be a danger. Like any human element in a company (and beyond!), it requires intelligent management to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. Let's take some time together to delve into what the term 'culture' means and the risks and advantages of cultural diversity in organizations. Building on this foundation, let us then explore the keys to a diversity-aware management, so that it becomes a true strength and a lever for well-being and performance in the workplace.

Conference #2

Educating children to intercultural dialogue to promote peace

In January 2011, Charlotte laid the foundation for NGO Konstelacio and embarked on a 15-month solo round-the-world trip at the age of 24. Her mission was to teach children to share their own cultures and take an interest in those of others. With 89% of armed conflicts worldwide occurring in countries with low intercultural dialogue, how can we bring about lasting and impactful change? This conference explores 13 years of social entrepreneurship in 15 countries, recounting encounters with over 5000 children from diverse backgrounds. Charlotte shares the deep convictions guiding her commitment, intercultural anecdotes from around the world, and the key lessons from her unconventional journey.

Conference #3

Dinner is served! Cultural diversity seen from the kitchen

What if a seemingly inconspicuous moment was a central key to understanding our differences, but more importantly, our cultural similarities ? From our table manners to the migratory history of our ingredients, let's take a 'roundtable' look at what traditions and culinary history can teach us. How can these practices shed light on our perspective on diversity and intercultural management within the company ? Charlotte draws on her expertise in international business and sociology-anthropology, along with an international project she has led in collaboration with food historians and chefs, to connect cuisine and management. Let's embark together on a flavorful journey through human relationships.

Conference #4

Using storytelling to manage diversity in the workplace (and beyond...)

It is no longer a secret, nor a novelty anymore – storytelling has its place in companies. The novelty has rather been to put a name on a practice as old as time itself: storytelling. From the African griot to the Sunday sermon, through video games, stories are an instinctive tool with numerous benefits. Let us review the various uses of stories in society, and then delve deeper into what interests us most : Why is storytelling a magical key when it comes to managing cultural diversity within organizations ?

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