Emma-claire Fierce
1ere Française à avoir traversé les eaux du Japon à la nage, en maillot de bain. Écrivaine reconnue et publiée internationalement
Emma-Claire Fierce est une auteure, conférencière et nageuse extrême française de renommée mondiale. Elle a acquis une reconnaissance internationale après avoir réussi la traversée du Tsugaru Channel en juillet 2019, en maillot de bain, établissant ainsi un record mondial dans le domaine de la natation de haute endurance. Emma-Claire est la première Française à relever le défi prestigieux de l'Oceans Seven. Actuellement, elle poursuit un doctorat sur l'adaptation du corps humain à des conditions extrêmes. L'Oceans Seven est un défi d'endurance aquatique de très haut niveau, composé de sept traversées océaniques emblématiques. Conçu en 2008, ce défi inclut la traversée de la Manche, le détroit de Cook, le Molokaʻi Channel, le Catalina Channel, le détroit de Tsugaru, le North Channel et le détroit de Gibraltar. Emma-Claire Fierce est également la première Française à avoir réalisé la traversée partielle du North Channel en 9 heures, le 1er août 2020. Le North Channel est reconnu comme l'une des traversées les plus exigeantes au monde, en raison de ses conditions extrêmes : météorologie, courants océaniques, expéditions, méduses, etc. Découvrant la natation à l'âge de six ans, Emma-Claire s'est également passionnée pour l'écriture dès son jeune âge, rédigeant des poèmes en hommage à sa grand-mère. Ses passions pour les sciences et les arts l'ont conduite à créer l'univers exclusif OCEANS7VEN. L'univers OCEANS7VEN promet de nombreuses surprises, au cœur desquelles se trouve la saga exceptionnelle "OCEANS7VEN Princess Lands". La saga "Oceans Princess Lands" est un chef-d'œuvre qui fusionne réalité et monde imaginaire. Les écrits d'Emma-Claire Fierce sont profondément influencés par ses connaissances en psychologie et en biologie, offrant une expérience littéraire unique et raffinée. Le premier livre de la saga "Oceans Princess Lands" est intitulé "Tsugaru : 9H51min24Sec", une œuvre qui incarne par l'essence même de son geste en océan, la nature du luxe et de l'excellence.
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✨Master of Ceremonies for the Year of the Oceans 2025 - UN OCEAN DECADE✨
Emma-Claire Fierce, an extreme ocean swimmer, is more than an exceptional athlete; she is an icon of elegance, refinement, and resilience. Known for her spectacular feats, such as crossing the Tsugaru Channel and her involvement in the prestigious Oceans Seven challenge, Emma-Claire embodies a rare blend of grace and determination. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. on human adaptation to extreme conditions, Emma-Claire brings intellectual depth and scientific expertise to her incredible aquatic adventures. She combines comprehensive knowledge with unparalleled field experience, making her an inspiring and captivating speaker. Emma-Claire Fierce has also been recognized as an ocean expert by the prestigious **UNESCO Ocean Expert Directory**, solidifying her position as a leader in ocean research. For the Year of the Oceans 2025, Emma-Claire, as the master of ceremonies, will offer a unique vision, blending luxury and performance. Her natural charisma and aura of sophistication will make every moment a memorable event. She will convey the beauty, power, and vulnerability of the oceans with a sensitivity that perfectly resonates with a high-end audience. Join us in celebrating the Year of the Oceans 2025 under the guidance of Emma-Claire Fierce, and be transported into a world where excellence and refinement meet passion and adventure. An exclusive experience, worthy of your expectations.
Each one of us is the creator of our own life, whether we are aware of it or not. We are creators, actors, and passengers in a time that is uniquely ours, yet part of a far larger universe. Emma-Claire Fierce may have chosen to forge her own path, yet it is still within certain confines. In this talk she will not focus on her, she will talk about you ! First, understanding more about how the brain functions will be key. Yes, there are multiple aspects to the brain, and being a visionary is not a common trait, especially in a world where rationalism often takes precedence over idealism.
Adult? Children? Mind and Soul? We are neither born in an adult form nor with a conclusive mind. Our body and mind are shaped and constantly evolving and adjusting to external and internal factors, but how does that work? How are we shaped by our environment, and can we deliberately choose to shape ourselves differently? Are our personal traits definitive, and if so, when do we know that? These are all questions Emma-Claire Fierce seeks to answer through her knowledge and research in psychology, as well as her experiences with trauma, resilience, and self-transformation.
Oceans: a unique and diverse universe, a multitude of waters. Strangely, almost inexplicably, it is the ocean that brought us to life, even though we can no longer live in it. Can this great contradiction make sense? And how, at such a high level of performance, both physically and mentally, is Emma-Claire Fierce able to swim for hours without touching or seeing land in an environment supposedly hostile to us? How is this possible? How can humans achieve such extraordinary feats? And what must be brought together to operate at this level? All the answers in this talk.