Emmanuelle Hervé

CEO du cabinet EH&A Consulting, spécialisé en gestion de crise et communication sensible


Ingénieur de formation, j'ai commencé ma carrière en Inde puis au Moyen et Proche-Orient pour le groupe de chimie américain DuPont de Nemours, pour qui j'ai développé le marché MENA. Rentrée en France en 2005, j'ai par la suite fondée le cabinet EH&A, spécialisé en gestion de crise et communication sensible que je dirige actuellement. Présidente de la commission AFNOR et du groupe de travail international ISO sur la e-réputation, membre actif de la commission sécurité du CIAN et expert assermenté de l'ONUDI, mon travail consiste aujourd'hui, entre autres, à la mise en place de l'organisation de la gestion de la crise, la gestion à chaud en conseil auprès des dirigeants sur la stratégie à tenir et la gestion de la réputation sur internet : construire sa e-réputation, la protéger et la défendre. J'anime régulièrement des conférences en interne auprès de grands groupes comme Bouygues, Engie ou encore Téléperformance. Mais également en tant que conférencière externe au sein de Risk IN, de l'ANIA ou encore pour les Chambres du Commerce et de l'Industrie. Mon expertise en gestion de crise me permet de vous apporter des exemples concrets en complément d'études de cas détaillées.


  • Conférence : 2500 €




Français, Anglais

Les thèmes de cette conférencière

Ses conférences

Conférence #1

The end of the lockdown is not the end of the crisis

In recent days, it has become clear that the government wants to end the lockdown gradually. For the moment, that will be progressive. Perhaps it will be done by regions or by age group, nothing is certain for the moment. However, we can ensure that the end of lockdown will not mark the end of the crisis. How can companies prepare for it? What specific information to transmit to stakeholders and how to communicate internally? How to prepare the next world in the company without it being experienced as a trauma for employees? How to manage anxiety and psychosocial risks? Habits have been totally changed and turned upside down, priorities too, what lessons learned from this crisis? And above all how to capitalize on new practices?

Conférence #2

Leadership in times of lockdown

For the presidents and directors of companies, what leadership is appropriate in this time of crisis ? Between hyper activity and total detachment, what posture should you adopt? How to reassure and challenge your teams? So many questions that still exist and that push us to reinvent ourselves, to change our habits and to institute profound changes for an indefinite period. Through this talk, you will find elements of concrete responses to put in place quickly to allow you and your employees to live the best of this health crisis that we are going through : Establish a working environment, give benchmarks with meetings at fixed times, impose videoconferences to maintain the link, manage time with deadlines to motivate your employees ... But also reassure them by giving concrete measures and responses, ensure that they are well by knowing how to identify people who are more vulnerable to lockdown. More than ever, employees need to know what you have in mind. Do not be afraid to share with them your doubts and concerns about the area of non-control that this crisis generates because it makes you human.

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