Minter Dial

Speaker/Conférencier, Author/Auteur, Consultant


Minter Dial est un conférencier, auteur, réalisateur et consultant sur le branding, la transformation et le leadership. Minter est un homme qui conjugue l'inspiration avec des actions concrètes. Comme on le dit en anglais: "he walks the talk and does what he says." Il fait ce qu'il prêche. Ayant changé de pays 15 fois, de domicile plus de 30 fois, et qui a exercé une quinzaine de métiers, Minter sait ce qu'est le changement et l'adaptabilité. Travaillant avec des entreprises reconnues du monde entier, il est un speaker international s’adressant aux conférences telles que Adobe Summit EMEA, South by Southwest/SXSW (E-U). Il est auteur de sept livres, dont quatre primés, "La Bague de l'Éternel Retour" (2016), Futureproof (aux Editions Pearson, 2017), et "L’Empathie au Cœur de l’Intelligence Artificielle, Comment insérer de l’empathie dans les affaires et l'intelligence artificielle" (2e édition, Digitalproof Press 2023) et "La Boussole du Leader, Prenez la bonne direction dans vos vies pro et perso" (aux éditions Diateino 2023). Minter a aussi produit un film documentaire primé, "The Last Ring Home", autour de son livre, qui a été diffusé nationalement à la TV sur les chaînes PBS et History Channel en Australie/NZ et Amérique du Nord. Avant de se lancer en indépendant, Minter a mené une carrière internationale de 16 ans dans le Groupe L'Oréal, incluant 9 missions en France, l'Angleterre, les Etats-Unis et le Canada. Il a été patron mondialement de la marque Redken, a géré la filiale professionnelle au Canada et, dans son dernier poste chez L'Oréal, était membre du Comité Exécutif mondialement, en charge du eBusiness, le Développement Business et l'Éducation. Précédemment, Minter a fondé une agence de voyage pour les musiciens et a travaillé 4 ans dans la banque d’investissement, Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, à New York. Il a été membre de comité de conseil de Group et SBT Human(s) Matter à Lyon, et il est actuellement directeur de Rythmessence, l'École de Communication Visuelle (ECV) à Paris et du GTA Future of Remote Work basé à Londres. Il blogue régulièrement en anglais sur et maintient un podcast hebdomadaire depuis plus de douze ans ("Minter Dialogue" sur iTunes). Il a également un site et podcast en français : Sur Twitter: @mdial et en français @mdialFR. Il est trilingue: anglais, français et espagnol.


  • Conference : 6000 €
  • Webinar : 4000 €




French, English

Themes of this speaker

His/Her talks

Conference #1

Prepare and Energize your Teams for a Post-Covid Pandemic Return to Work

For a successful restart of your business and your post-Covid team: Following a historic lockdown, leaders must rally their troops back to work. Everyone has been affected. In a decidedly uncertain, sometimes frightening economic environment, and an increasingly tense geopolitical situation, leaders will be faced with a formidable and complex task. But the least of your tasks is to get yourself and your team back in the saddle. The experiences of each of us during confinement will have left their mark. This speech looks at how to reboot yourself, your team, and your business to bounce back from lockdown. Key points to remember: -Gain perspective on the current context -How to re-engage and activate your team -What needs to happen - to get the business back on track -The three keys to ensuring the energy to succeed in your transformation.

Conference #2

Encoding Empathy in Business and Artificial Intelligence

As companies seek to strengthen their performance with new technological initiatives, such as Artificial Intelligence, many projects are doomed to fail. Some point to the possibility of another AI winter: a lot of talk, but little concrete progress. Artificial Intelligence can undoubtedly contribute in a legitimate way, but leaders often - without necessarily realizing it - set too high expectations and / or do not apply adequate resources. The application of Artificial Intelligence, whether in the back-end (logistics, data analytics, operations, employee engagement, etc.) or vis-à-vis the client (chatbots, content creation and distribution, staff recruitment), requires specific skills and multidisciplinary teams. In this talk, Minter explains how and why you should flex your empathic muscle and how to encode empathy in your business and in your artificial intelligence projects. Key points to remember • Explore the latest trends in Artificial Intelligence and recent examples of how companies are using AI and empathy to drive their business. • Understand the keys to implementing AI in your business • Better comprehend the role of empathy in Artificial Intelligence and know how to strengthen the empathic muscle of your organization • Review the options and challenges of encoding empathy into AI

Conference #3

How to Achieve Digital Transformation by Building Your Empathetic Muscle

As Brian Solis has said, companies must adapt or die. However, when it comes to embarking on a “digital transformation” project, there are a lot of novel challenges, not to mention plenty of resistance to change. And, too often, the results do not follow. According to a 2016 study, 84% of digital transformation programs fail. In this talk, we will discover the keys to succeed in your transformation program... but from an unusual angle. Minter Dial will explain why empathy has become so important and what are the ways to foster this quality in business. In the near future, with advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), we will be talking about the integration of emotion and empathy in machines and bots beside and/or instead of human beings. Minter will showcase ways to articulate your AI strategy, when and how to encode it with empathy. Also, he will address ethical questions that impact this work. In the end, you will understand why and how to strengthen the empathic muscle of your organization to bring positive results in your digital transformation. For more information, refer to Minter Dial's new English book, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (released in Dec. 2018 by Digitalproof Press).

Conference #4

Getting Success in Your Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is on the agenda for many companies. However, only a few succeed in their desired transformation. Big and small companies are losing valuable ground and time. There are many reasons for this failure that can be painful for management to hear. In this speech, based on real experiences and recent cases, I trace why and how to make your transformation project successful. The keys to success lie in adopting the right mindset, but also in having the tools, benchmarks and a solid framework. Participants will leave: -inspired by digital transformation success stories -equipped to avoid the most common pitfalls -with a plan of how to initiate and / or accelerate their transformation program. The speech can be transformed into a 1/2-day, 1-day or 2-day workshop.

Conference #5

Futureproof your Business for the Next Disruption

Starting with an overview of what's new in new tech and the disruptive initiatives at a global level, in this speech Minter helps you to understand the most important trends and how to parse through which are the technologies you'll need to focus on for your business. In particular, Minter will explain the three key attitudes or states of mind needed to drive your business through the next disruption: 1 / meaningfulness 2 / responsibility 3 / collaboration But for each attitude, you'll discover a surprising and unexpected meaning. This speech aims to move minds and motivate you to achieve the desired transformation in your company, whether large, SME or startup. Make yourself Futureproof ... and protect yourself against the uncertainties of the future.

Conference #7

Energy in Connection

Are you frustrated with the engagement of some of your employees and managers? The pace of change is as exhilarating as it is fatiguing. It’s hard to keep ahead of the tsunami of communications, stay up-to-date with all the right information and new innovations all the while collaborating joyfully and/or leading your team and driving performance. In this speech, Minter looks at some practical ways to boost your energy in a digitally charged day. He provides an understanding of how our brains function and what we should be doing to optimise our energies. He’ll also explain key options and opportunities to use digital tools and devices in a more effective and enjoyable manner. Finally, Minter will uncover some startling facts about sleep and how to get the most out of your night’s rest. Key takeaways: -Inspiration to change your behaviour for the better -What makes the brain tick and how to take advantage in today’s digitally connected world -New tools and practical tips to master your digital life -The five key steps to improve your sense of wellbeing

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