Nadine Touzeau
Profiler, net-profiler, researcher in behavior of cybercriminals - Author -Speaker

Profiler, net-profiler, chercheuse en comportement des cybercriminels ayant développé des théories sur les « Différenciations Comportementales entre le Réel et le Virtuel » et ayant publié plusieurs articles scientifiques aux USA dont 9 la première année. Conférencière scientifique internationale en neuroscience, Forensic et behavior Dirigeante de Conseil en Comportement : Professeure Université en net-profiling et travaux de recherche, Behavior and Law University, Madrid, Espagne. Membre Comité de rédaction, Journal scientifique Uni Science, rubrique Psychologie et Neuroscience : Membre CEFCYS : Auteure de deux livres sur le net-profiling : @ : ntprofiler (at) Youtube : LinkedIn : Pinterest :
- On demand
Themes of this speaker
His/Her talks
Why is cybersecurity the flagship business of tomorrow in companies?
Cybercrime is underestimated in companies with the observation that the growth of cybercrime is significant and concerns everyone. Digital schools touch, in the best of cases, the human being without integrating that he is the source of any act and must therefore be applied in the same way as digital to defend oneself from and in cyber space. Knowing also that not all cyber attacks are considered, especially those caused by humans, already in schools! Awareness in companies is also low This conference will highlight why the post of cyber security has its full place in the workplace tomorrow.
How to profile?
A subject that I am asked a lot at conferences: how to profile? Who's my boss? Who is my client? Who's my neighbour? Who is my supplier?... even who are our policies! A subject that inspires TV series knowing that it's a real job that very few TV series actually show. Discovering profiling will make you discover that anyone can profile without becoming a profiler. It also means discovering several professions around behavioral sciences and the impact in your private and professional life ... At the end of the conference, you will put into practice
Apprehending the human in the face of cyber attacks
This conference is for everyone. Man is at the heart of every act, yet we only protect ourselves with technology in cyberspace. We consider clumsiness but not cybercrime and cybercrimes only carried out by humans. Deloitte wrote in a report in 2018 that 63% of cyber attacks are only carried out by humans and not just by clumsiness. I was ahead 70% a few years earlier. How do you detect these cybercriminals? How can we protect ourselves from our own behaviour that we do not think is bad and that can be cybercrimes? Understanding what man is like in virtual space allows us to better protect ourselves and avoid being a cybercriminal who ignores himself.
How to profile your costumer?
To develop its commercial performance, understanding the customer is essential. While many techniques exist to detect behaviour, classify in colour, learn to step out of one's comfort zone, they tidy up the boxes and do not perforce self-knowledge to and develop with one's potential and understand others. To save time, results and apprehend the human being in a more precise way
Net-profiling at the service of cybersecurity and cyber-defence
There is a lot of talk about profiling, without really knowing what it means, especially in France, where the country is very behind in behavioural sciences. In the virtual world, we can also profile, but in a different way! It is through my research work and theory that I propose to discover human behavior in the virtual world, behind the screen in order to discover how much this behavior changes according to the profile and the use of the connected tool.