Samuel Gaulay

CONFERENCIER - ENTREPRENEUR | Expert en INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIQUE | TEDX Speaker | Diplômé du MIT | Fondateur DE MAGICTΞCH & du LAB INNOVATION MAGICLΔB | IA+IB+IC elles ne s'opposent pas, elles s'additionnent !


➡️ TALK : LE STORYTELLING POUR INSPIRER ! Une intervention interactive, sans slide, mise en scène pour engager les participants dans un storytelling passionnant et inspirant autour de vos enjeux clés. Elaborée en collaboration avec les Labs d’Innovation des géants de la Tech, et enrichie des retours des plus grands innovateurs, la conférence fédère et engage vos participants dans une histoire qui est la vôtre… Adopter un changement positif tourné vers votre FUTURE. ➡️ TECH : LA TECHNOLOGIE POUR CAPTIVER ! Détection d’émotions grâce à l’intelligence artificielle, matérialisation holographique sur scène pour enrichir une expérience, collaboration homme-machine pour booster la cognition… Les nouvelles technologies fascinent, et augmentent nos capacités ! MAGICTECH les met en scène pour appuyer le storytelling et créer des expériences innovantes et captivantes, qui racontent et démontrent l’évolution de la culture d’entreprise et de l’expérience client à l’ère du digital et des technologies disruptives. ➡️ TRICK : LA MAGIE POUR SURPRENDRE ! La magie capte l’attention, surprend et crée une émotion forte et communicative. Associée aux technologies disruptives, la magie permet de faire vivre l’innovation et révéler le processus créatif et collaboratif. Les expériences à la limite entre Magie et Technologie montrent la frontière avec nos projections, nos craintes et nos fantasmes qui limitent notre capacité à adopter un changement positif dans nos modes de vie et nos entreprises.


  • Conference : 7000 €




French, English

Les thèmes de ce conférencier

His/Her talks

Conference #1

#LEADERSHIP is MAGIC Man augmented by relational intelligence

➡️ TALK: The only KPI to measure in a relationship is what the other person retains, feels and reacts to. The "#LEADERSHIP is MAGIC | The Secrets of Collaborative Effectiveness" conference is a participatory experience that explores neuroleadership through the eye of the magician. This presentation reveals their psychological techniques for positively influencing others to retain a message, live an experience and take an action. The aim is to show how our attention, perceptions and beliefs work in our relationship with others. ➡️ TECH : Technical elements of the conference ✅ Interactive experiments: Participants are invited to react to videos and interactive experiments highlighting the key principles of the conference. ✅ Participatory demonstrations: Participants are at the heart of the action, interacting with the speaker in magical and mentalism experiments that play on their attention span, perception and beliefs. ✅ Case studies: Practical economic and political cases are highlighted to enlighten participants on the issues and key concepts involved in relating to others. ➡️ TRICK: The power of neuroscience for positive influence Why can't a manager always get across messages that exist, whereas a magician can get across messages that don't exist? By combining neuroscience with elements of illusion, #LEADERSHIP is MAGIC | The Secrets of Collaborative Effectiveness offers a unique perspective on the potential and limits of our brains, while creating a memorable experience for participants.

Conference #2

Conference #AI is MAGIC Man augmented by artificial intelligence

TALK: AN INSPIRING SPEECH ON THE COMPLEMENTARITY OF INTELLIGENCE Man augmented by artificial intelligence is an immersive experience that fuses technological innovation with illusion. This presentation aims to highlight the complementarity between artificial, biological and collaborative intelligence. The aim is to show how these forms of intelligence can augment human capabilities, whether to anticipate events, diagnose anomalies, create innovative experiences or enhance analysis. TECH: A SURPRISINGLY MODERN TECHNOLOGICAL SHOWCASE - Robot Pepper: This humanoid robot is used to interact with the public and demonstrate anticipation and interconnection capabilities. - Computer Vision program: Technology enabling machines to "see" and visually interpret the world around them. - Conversational Avatar Connected to ChatGPT: Offers a fluid and natural conversational experience, demonstrating the potential of AI in communication and interaction. TRICK: PARTICIPATIVE EXPERIENCES BETWEEN INNOVATION AND ILLUSION By combining these technologies with elements of illusion, the #AI is MAGIC: Man augmented by artificial intelligence conference offers a unique perspective on the potential and limits of technological innovation, while creating a memorable experience for participants.

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